Please fill in the following form and press the submit button before taking the test. Items in red are required:The form will not submit unless these items are filled in! For the sake of graciously serving Christ, His Church, and His people, it is the mission of Vocations Placement to replenish every Roman Catholic religious community and diocese in the U.S. By filling out this application you are stating that you are open to participation in the fulfillment of this mission.
By submitting this application I am also confirming that I am Catholic, single, in good physical and mental health, and am open to a religious vocation.
Marital Status:
Are you Catholic?
Are you planning on converting to Catholicism?:
Do you attend Mass at least once a week on Sunday?
What ministry, if any, do you participate in at your local parish?
Are you able to make a free Live In Experience at a Monastery or Convent of interest?
Please specify a time frame for your availability: Within
Are you willing to travel anywhere in the US?
Preferred region of the US for travel:
All regions
What is your nearest major city?
Do you have children 18 or under in your care?
If "Yes", please list the ages of your children.
Do you have elderly parents in your care?
Have you any financial debt (excluding mortgage)?
If so, how much?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Educational Background:
If you do not hold a 4-year or graduate degree, are you currently in college? (Select 'No-N/A' if you currently hold a 4-year or graduate degree)
If not currently in college, would you be willing to return soon? (Select 'No-N/A' if you currently hold a 4-year or graduate degree)
Do you have a history of any major health problems or surgeries, etc.?
If 'yes', please describe briefly (250 characters or less):
I'm primarily attracted to communities that are mainly devoted to (click one):
Education - Prayer
Cloistered Contemplative Life
Missionary work, serving the poor
Health care
The Permanent Diaconate
The Priesthood (diocesan)
The Priesthood (non-diocesan)
Military Priesthood
Media Evangelization (T.V., Radio, Etc.)
The Hermit Life
Prolife Movement
Youth Ministry
Vocational Opportunities In The Holy Land
I am also attracted to communities mainly dedicated to (you may select more than one):
Cloistered Contemplative Life
The Permanent Diaconate
Priesthood (diocesan)
Priesthood (non-diocesan)
Military Priesthood
Health care
The Hermit Life
Media Evangelization (T.V., Radio, Etc.)
Prolife Movement
Missionary work, serving the poor
Youth Ministry
Vocational Opportunities In The Holy Land
In describing your discernment level regarding your potential for religious life or the priesthood,
would you describe yourself as new to the process; a serious candidate with good potential; or advanced?
[Your answers to the following questions will help us serve you better:]
It is recommended that you visit different communities of different sizes. What size community
do you feel you are best suited for?
Is it essential for you that a community wear habits?
Would a lifelong commitment to celibacy be possible for you?
If you are not already sure of your interest in a particular community,
do you have a desire to go to wherever the need is greatest?
We represent some communities that are experiencing a severe depletion in personnel,
where your loving assistance would be essential to their future.
[The following section need only be filled out by men who have an interest in the diocesan priesthood:]
Are you interested in the Diocesan Priesthood? Yes No
Have you ever applied for admission to seminary? Yes. No.
If so, in which diocese did you make your application?
Was your application for admission
accepted or
Have you made contact with your local diocesan vocations director?
I understand that I will be getting e-mails, a phone call, or literature mailed to me because of the interest that I have expressed
in the religious life and/or the priesthood by filling out this application.
I would prefer to be contacted via:
Because we have over 500 religious communities and dioceses in the system, there may be many that may be of interest to you. Roughly how many referrals would
you like us to make on your behalf?
[Optional] Most all the religious orders build their lives around the Mass. If you have valid reasons for not attending Mass at least once a week please explain why in the section below. Also, if you have a particular order such as the Trappists, Benedictine, Dominicans or any other order that you are already attracted to please let us know the name in the comment section below. You may also add any other comments about your vocations desires below.
Characters left:
How did you hear about Vocations Placement Services?
For the sake of graciously serving Christ, His Church, and His people,
it is the mission of Vocations Placement to replenish every Roman Catholic
religious community and diocese in the U.S. By filling out this application you
are stating that you are open to participation in the fulfillment of this mission.
By submitting this application I am also confirming that I am Catholic, single, in
good physical and mental health, and am open to a religious vocation.